Monday, June 28, 2010

Maybe I would've been something you'd be good at
Maybe you would've been something I'd be good at
Now we'll never know
(I won't be sad but in case I go there)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lets pretend that we rule the world...


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Zombie dreams...

Last night I had the craziest dream that there was a zombie apocalypse... and can I just say- it was a seriously convincing dream. It started out and was fun for a while, and then I wont even lie and say the typical "no, it wasnt scary, it was just a dream" bullshit, about halfway through the dream I became almost convinced that it was actually happening and it became pretty terrifying.
Mind you, I love some undead scary shit as much as the next person, but I come to find that when I am almost certain that its the real deal, it becomes considerably less fun. I eventually woke up in a wicked cold sweat, and had a terrible time sleeping the rest of the night (if we are being brutally honest here...)
And now tonight I cant sleep yet again and I find myself wondering if I might wake up again with my heart pounding so hard that I can hear it.
I always thought a zombie infestation would be interesting, but now I might just be starting to rethink my point of view on that one.

Either way, I definitely need more high powered firearms just in case of an emergency...

Hahaha... ridiculous.

Please read and abide by the above rules in case of zombie infestation.
Also, watch this movie.
It really is quite good.

And one more little tip- dont eat copious amounts of dairy before falling into a sleep coma, it will give you some fucked dreams. Or maybe thats just me...

Either way though, always remember the double tap.


Friday, June 11, 2010


Cant sleep tonight.
Mind is buzzing.
Brain wont turn the fuck off.
Anxious for no apparent reason.
Tumblr is a major distraction.
Have to wake up early.
Weekend will be busy.
Just want to rest.
Want to draw.
Suck at making anything lately.
Shit clients all day today.
Hangnail bleeding.
Want cigarette.
Teeth already brushed.

Typing in short form.

Cool life.

Sleep tight babies!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lusty summer nights...

These have been some of my recent inspirations.



No, it's not what we meant to say.
We don’t really love each other.
What happens when the summer’s over? How long before distance becomes a chore? I'm approaching with great, great trepidation. I hope you’ll understand.

Before you speak think about what you're trying to say. Who else is there to blame for miscommunication? You're getting caught up in the excitement. You making promises you can’t keep. You need to leave all your options open.

Too much momentum. This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control of the situation.
Anxiety, Anxiety you give me no mercy.
Grind my teeth smooth and flat in my sleep.
We took some pills to calm us down. Then we needed help to come back up. Just trying to stay in control of the situation.

Too much momentum. This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control of the situation. They fall apart so easily.
Too much momentum. This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control. You have to fight to stay in control. No, you don’t have to fight to stay in control of the situation.

(AgainstMe! w/ Tegan Quin- borne on the fm waves of the heart)
I would have put the video up, but the embedded link to do so was disabled.
Go to youtube and watch it.

Also, please enjoy my screencap.

Feels like the story of my life.


Oh blog...

I apologize for being so neglectful as of late.
I have been busy and I could make excuses, but I wont. 
Truth be told, Ive just been slacking. 
Im sorry I can be terrible at keeping up with things sometimes.

New job, trips out of town, seeing friends, and general laziness are all to blame.

But hey- I fucking LOVE my new job. 
I feel like all of the passion I had for my career has come back in full force. 
I dont wake up and dread going to work anymore, which I must say is truly a big fucking deal.
Im so glad that I didnt settle for just any old job, and I that I worked my ass off to get this one.
Im glad that I passed up multiple other offers, and that I struggled financially in order to be able to take the job I have now.
It was SO hard for those short months that I was unemployed, but now that I am back in the saddle (so to speak) I dont think that I could be much more pleased.

Also, the next few weeks are going to be terribly busy for me, as I have multiple friends coming to town, people / family coming to stay with me (possibly), and some other fun plans that are all happening quite fast. 

As a generalization though, I must say that for the most part right now life is pretty good.
Next post will be things that have been inspiring to me lately!
